VMware ESXi is a very popular hypervisor and the underpinning of the vSphere virtualisation suite which caters for enthusiasts up to large scale datacenter operations for enterprise and service providers. VMware offers a
variety of software to achieve virtualisation, Workstation, Server, ESX and ESXi being the main flavors with very different focusses: Desktop use, existing server, with a Linux console and without. ESXi is the variant with the smallest footprint and is ideal if you don’t need to implement a bunch of monitoring or other scripting on the host, are going to do all that management stuff elsewhere, or just don’t need to do any. As with the trusty old VMware Server, ESX and ESXi are available with a free license that gives you lots of room to play with but removes some of the more advanced features (like being able to move VM’s between hosts whilst running). Continue reading →