Tag Archives: shell script

FreeBSD ports… good but a pain.

So. I wanted to install gnupg from FreeBSD ports on an older box. Somehow it depended on something that depended on the LDAP libraries. Which broke authentication on the box. And in fixing that, lots of other dependencies needed to be updated. It turned into a horrible mess and some ports wouldn’t reinstall cleanly and no amount of portupgrade/portmaster shenanigans would fix it without removing swathes of stuff first.

In trying to find out which shared libraries were now broken, I wrote a very crude script to find out which binaries broke.
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iOS Ad-Hoc Beta publishing directly from Xcode

A couple of weeks ago I posted about automating Ad-Hoc publishing using some simple shell scripting and a modified version of the BetaBuilder utility by Hunter Hillegas. Based on a comment on his blog I’ve taken this a step further: I’ve fully integrated the publishing mechanism into Xcode. Here’s how… Continue reading

Poor-guys CDN (ish)

For fun, I setup a couple of Squid proxies in reverse-proxy fashion to see how it performed. Overall, I am happy with the result but a key thought behind the idea is to provide front-end resilience to the resources they publish. To that end, I made what can be best described as a poor-guys CDN. It’s not truly a CDN in the sense of global presence nor the ability to choose a front-end server closer to the end-user (not least because some of that functionality is patent-encumbered), but it does provide some degree of resilience.
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Automated Ad-Hoc Beta iPhone App Publishing

A while back, I came across Jeffrey Sambells post about iOS Wireless App Distribution, thought “that’s cool, I could automate most of that” and then promptly forgot about it. A little after this, Hunter Hillegas introduced iOS Beta Builder which I also thought “cool, I could extend that to do some of the automation I thought about” and then forgot about it again. Continue reading